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Privacy Policy

In this policy, 'we' or 'us' refers to Birmingham Unicorns CC.

Membership and contact form

As part of the club membership form, we process and store personal information in the form of name, email address, date of birth, phone number, email address, home address. Additionally we may process and store disability and medical information relevant to participating in organised support, if optionally supplied by users, for accessibility support and emergency purposes only.

By use of the contact form, we process and store personal information in the form of name, email address and optional phone number inputs to the contact form fields, and any personal information that may be supplied by users as part of submitted messages.

Personal information is used for the following purposes only:


  • For administration of membership as part of Birmingham Unicorns CC, e.g. enabling contact and communication from the club, as part of Birmingham Unicorns CCs legitimate interests as a membership organisation

  • Addition to the Birmingham Unicorns mailing list for news and updates, where requested within membership

  • Addition to the Birmingham Unicorns WhatsApp group, where requested within membership form

  • For accessibility support and emergency medical purposes

  • To respond to submitted queries via the contact form

Your data security

Membership records are kept in digital form only. Access to data is restricted to members of the Birmingham Unicorns CC Committee, for use in order to carry out legitimate tasks within their role. Effort is taken to ensure personal information is kept securely (password-protected) and retained in accordance with applicable laws for the above purposes. No personal information is shared with Third Parties. 

Your Rights

You have a right to access, rectify (e.g. update or correct errors) and request deletion of your personal data. You have the right to request that some or all data held by us be provided to you. You may at any time withdraw your consent for processing of your personal information and request deletion of any personal information held by us. To request any of the above, please contact us.

Website Cookies

We use cookies on this website for performance, analytics and security. You may decline all non-essential cookies by clicking "Decline All" within the cookie banner. To find out more about cookies and how they are used within websites, see All About Cookies.

Image credits Sefton Marks, Shafin Protic, Juliet Belasyse-Smith, Weoley Hill CC

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